The Five Greatest Explainer Video Production Companies

Do you require an animated explainer video? Not sure which production company can make the one you need? This field has plenty of competition, and as such, selecting the right producer can be quite a challenge.

Do you require an animated explainer video? Not sure which production company can make the one you need? This field has plenty of competition, and as such, selecting the right producer can be quite a challenge.

When researching explainer video production companies online, you’ll realize that they each offer something unique. With that said, each producer also has their own fair share of disadvantages and advantages. This can cause confusion when you’re trying to figure out which one of them to hire.

Thankfully, this article will help you bypass the endless research required to find a suitable production company. Keep reading to learn about the five greatest explainer video producers. We’ve chosen companies as per their skill level, expertise, body of work, and portfolio quality. Our choice – video production company – inovit (

The Greatest Vendor

To capture attention online, you must showcase video content that attracts people to it. Animated videos entice people into interacting with your business idea or brand in an entertaining way. Such videos can present your content fast and succinctly. If you have opted to get an explainer video created for your company, then you’ll need to select a vendor capable of delivering optimal results. This begs the question, how does one go about finding such a vendor?

There is no universal definition of “the best.” To you, it might mean vendors with thorough experience, strong teamwork ability, exceptional skills, dedicated customer support, affordable rates, etc. We have broken down the five primary aspects of an ideal vendor:

1. Work Quality and Knowledge

Evaluate the company’s structure, as well as their animated video quality, when browsing their portfolio. You’ll be able to determine if their style matches the requirements of your brand in doing so.

2. Engagement

The process of communication must be direct and simple between clients and creators.

3. Personalization

Are templates used to develop videos, or does the company create personalized ones for each client? This is quite an important factor, as you’ll need a customized video in order to stand out from the ones made by your competition.

4. Input

Review customer feedback and reviews of former clients, as well as responses from the company. This will tell you a lot about their customer satisfaction level.

5. Costs

If an animated explainer video producer’s prices are significantly less expensive than the competition, odds are they’re making videos with templates. It is worthwhile to spend a little more money on a personalized explainer video instead of a cookie-cutter one.