Terrible fall for Paul as toddler Bryn runs away in Corrie spoiler video

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This is the traumatic moment that sees ailing Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) crash painfully to the ground while looking after Bryn in the park.

A new Coronation Street preview video for tonight’s episode shows Paul faced with his worsening Motor Neurone Disease symptoms once more.

He is trying to coax Bryn into heading home but as the youngster runs off, Paul falls and finds himself unable to get up.

He’s left in a panic as Bryn vanishes round the corner and he is powerless to do anything.

It’s another devastating moment as he continues to deteriorate, in a long running story that will sadly see his eventual exit from the show.

Previously, Paul has been hit hard by the reality of his illness, as he feared not being able to walk sister Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) down the aisle, and fell off the steps of the bus on another occasion.

He has gotten to know fellow MND sufferer Shelly of late, and she has offered him some understanding.

But his fears continue to get to him, as he is upset at the looming prospect of using a wheelchair.

Fiance Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) is trying to be his rock, but some of his actions are making Paul feel smothered.

It comes after he confided in his husband-to-be that he wants help to end his own life when the time comes, which has rocked Billy to the core.

However, there is light in the darkness, as the couple enjoy happier moments too – when Shelly tells Paul he should be grateful for Billy’s support, he takes the words on board, and the pair have a fun-filled day together.

And their wedding is also fast approaching, with actor Dan confirming that the big day will go ahead, defying soap tradition, and will contain joy.

Addressing the fact that it will be the show’s first gay wedding to actually go ahead, he enthused: ‘I do feel slightly honoured, I’m thrilled. I mean, obviously there’s been long running gay characters in the show, prior to Billy with Todd and Sean and also Sophie.

‘And I’m thrilled that we are going to finally have a wedding. Billy has been on the other side of the altar for so many it seems fitting for him to have the first one, and with him being a religious man it is significant in that way too.

‘Although he hasn’t been the best omen at weddings. Most of the ones he has officiated at haven’t ended well! Let’s hope that doesn’t jinx it.’

As for tonight’s episode, Bryn is thankfully intercepted by Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne), who comes to Paul’s aid.

But vulnerable and mortified, the ordeal is a cruel reminder to Paul that things are just getting worse.

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