Gabby's return story revealed in Emmerdale as she hides destructive secret

Gabby's return story revealed in Emmerdale as she hides destructive secret

Gabby (Rosie Bentham) is set to make her return to Emmerdale after the impromptu trip to visit Diane in Portugal, but having left under a cloud of shame holding the secret of her attempted kiss with Billy (Jay Kontzle), what will that return look like?

She took off with a weight on each shoulder; one was the fact no one seemed to care she’d had her heart trampled on by deceitful Nicky. The other is that she tried it on with a married man.

Not just any married man, a married man living under her roof – Billy. ‘Gentleman’ Billy had tried to save Gabby from embarrassing herself while drunk and instead of a simple thanks, she pounced on his face.

He unwisely chose to keep this indiscretion a secret from wife Dawn (Olivia Bromley), and now Gabby returns holding all the cards.

But it’s not in her best interest for things to get out, so she and Billy make a pact – the snog stays a secret. Will it though? Gabby has a track record of blurting things out.

She may have other things to take her mind off Billy as she is confronted with other uncomfortable realities. Victoria is struggling without a head chef at the Hide, so Suni is drafted in.

He’s impressive and immediately gets the job, much to Gabby’s chagrin. Her cool resolve evaporates as she loses it over Suni’s new role.

What’s her next move?

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