The most hated TV characters of all time revealed

The most hated TV characters of all time revealed

The most HATED TV characters of all time revealed: Viewers call out the on-screen personas they cannot stand – from iconic villains to kids’ cartoons – so, can YOU guess who tops the list?

  • Ranker polled 30,000 TV fans about which fictional characters they hated
  • Three were from Game of Thrones and another two were from The Walking Dead 
  • Even the titular character of a popular children’s show made the ranked list 

While TV enthusiasts have proven their fierce dedication to their favorite shows, it doesn’t mean that these series don’t have characters that they love to hate. 

Despite being fictional, these television characters have viewers feeling real hatred toward them.

About 30,000 TV viewers have taken part in Ranker’s live poll, these are the top 10 most hated TV characters of all time as of November 27.

At this time, the list included three characters from Game of Thrones and two from The Walking Dead.

As of November 27, Ranker’s live poll stats revealed that three of the most-hated characters were from Game of Thrones

The rest were from a mixture of shows, which included Glee, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos. 

While most of these characters are clear-cut villains, others are ones that simply rub viewers the wrong way. 

Characters from a wide array of genres also made this list.

From historical dramas to children shows to anime, fans have proved that characters from any type of show can be disliked.

Many of these characters committed horrific acts including abuse, rape and murder.

However, some just irritated viewers so much that they managed to rank alongside these criminals. has broken down the list and given insights into why the characters are ones people love to loathe. 

From Game Of Thrones’ Joffrey Baratheon and Cersei Lannister to Caillou and Glee’s Rachel Berry, here are the top 10 most-hated television characters of all time. 

10. Ed Peletier – The Walking Dead 

Ed Peletier, played by Adam Minarovich, was a particularly vicious husband and father struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse in the hit AMC series The Walking Dead

Ed Peletier, played by Adam Minarovich, was a particularly vicious husband and dad struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse in the hit AMC series The Walking Dead.

He was abusive to both his wife, Carol, and daughter Sophia. 

His most villainous on-screen moment was when he slapped his wife in front of others at camp.

After witnessing this, Shane beats him up and threatens to kill him if he lays his hands on another woman and Ed retreats to his tent.

Later on, he asks Sophia to join him in his tent after it had been implied that he had previously sexually abused her.

Carol refuses to let this happen, and walkers approach his tent and devour him that night. 

Ed only lasted on the series for one season, but fans find it hard to forget his despicable behavior. 

9. Caillou

Calliou’s bratty behavior has put off both kids and adults alike enough to land him the ninth spot on this list

Caillou is a surprising addition to this list considering he is the title character of a children’s television series.

However, his bratty behavior has put off both kids and adults alike enough to land him the ninth spot on this list.

Most episodes feature the four-year-old making a demand, throwing a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way and his family eventually giving in to his incessant behavior.

Parents have criticized the show for glorifying bad behavior.

‘Caillou is a horrible show that teaches kids how not to behave. My daughter actually started to behave much worse after being exposed to this show than she did before seeing it,’ one parent wrote on IMDB.

Another penned, ‘I hate to sound so harsh, but it must be said that Caillou has had one of the worst influences on children I have ever seen. Caillou is a 4 year old bald child who is very spoiled by his parents.’ 

It’s safe to say Caillou is one of the most-disliked television children.  

8. Cersei Lannister – Game of Thrones 

Cersei holds the eighth position in this list and is the first of three Game of Thrones characters

Cersei holds the eighth position in this list and is the first of three Game of Thrones characters.

She was queen of the Seven Kingdoms and ruled with an iron fist. 

Fans often describe Cersei, played by Lena Headey, as narcissitic and cruel. 

And she has an impressive rap sheet of evil deeds to back up these claims as well.

One of the cruelest things Cersei did was force a mother to watch her daughter die from a poison that she administered.

She also showed no mercy when she had her husband’s bastard children slain and set a historical site full of people on fire.

Between murdering innocent animals and civilians to her extreme methods of exacting revenge, Cersei certainly isn’t one of the most likeable Game of Thrones characters. 

7. Livia Soprano – The Sopranos

The Sopranos is stacked with a cast of cold-blooded killers, but Livia Soprano is perhaps one of the most calculating and manipulative

The Sopranos is stacked with a cast of cold-blooded killers but Livia Soprano is perhaps one of the most calculating and manipulative.

Mother of none other than Tony Soprano himself, she has threatened to kill him multiple times.

When Livia’s husband Johnny Boy tries to get out of the mafia and move to Reno, she claims she would rather smother her own children.

As Livia, played by Nancy Marchand, gets older, her violent tendencies don’t waiver, but her paranoia increases.

Once Tony contemplates putting her in a retirement home, she influences her brother-in-law, Junior, to put a hit on her son.

Aside from her threats, her overall nihilism and negativity impacts all of the characters around her and remains with them even after her death in season three.

6. Todd Alquist – Breaking Bad

Todd Alquist is a methamphetamine cook and aligned with uncle Jack Welker’s gang in the series Breaking Bad. Many viewers feel Todd is a sociopath

Todd Alquist is a methamphetamine cook and aligned with uncle Jack Welker’s gang in the series Breaking Bad.

Many viewers feel Todd, played by Jesse Plemons, is a sociopath based on how unphased he was by murder.

He killed countless people throughout the course of the series.

During a heist, he ruthlessly shot a teenager during a heist even though the kid didn’t present as an immediate danger. 

He also shot his maid after she asked a question about some money he had hidden away.

On top of this, he turned his back on those he worked on. 

He offered to kidnap and torture Jesse on a Nazi camp. Later on, Jesse is seen cowering with scars.

Eventually, after working with and idolizing Walt, he was easily able to turn him into his uncle’s gang.

5. The Governor – The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead fans feel that The Governor, also known as Philip Blake, is the evilest villain on the show

The Walking Dead fans feel that The Governor, also known as Philip Blake, is the evilest villain on the show.

Played by David Morrissey, The Governor’s twisted nature rears its head early on when viewers learn he keeps the heads of slain walkers in a closet.

He also has his daughter, who has been converted to a walker, chained in there so that no one can kill her.

On top of that, he has an impressive kill count of 69 people. However, it’s not the number of kills but how he does them that makes him so unlikable to fans.

From biting off the fingers of one of his murder victims to beheading one with a katana in front of a group of people, his evil has no limits.

He also uses torture, rape and murder as methods of retaining control. 

4. Rachel Berry – Glee

Rachel Berry may not be an outright villain but she has rubbed Glee viewers the wrong way with her diva attitude

Rachel Berry may not be an outright villain but she has rubbed Glee viewers the wrong way with her diva attitude.

The high school drama student portrayed by Lea Michele has proved that she is cutthroat and will do whatever it takes to get a solo or lead role in the glee club’s productions.

Sometimes these methods have involved discriminating against her fellow students based on race and ability, which is what has particularly angered fans.

While some feel Rachel had gone too far on the show, especially when she tried to get a teacher fired over false assault allegations, she still has fans.

Some viewers admire her determination and work ethic.

3. Shou Tucker – Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 

Shou Tucker may not be as well known of a character of mainstream evil but the extent of his ruthlessness lead to him holding the third spot on his list

Shou Tucker may not be as well known in Western mainstream media, but the extent of his ruthlessness led to him holding the third spot on his list.

Chuck Huber voices the character in the dubbed English version of the anime.

Shou is a father who will do anything to become a successful alchemist, even if it means sacrificing his own family.

It may be bad enough that he used human beings to create a creature called a chimera. But on top of that, his wife and daughter were two of his victims.

In order to obtain the status of alchemist, he combined his wife with a dog to create a chimera.

Two years later, he needed to make another creation to maintain his status so he fused his daughter, Nina, with a dog to make another creature. 

To make matters worse, he shows little remorse over these actions. 

2. Ramsay Bolton – Game of Thrones

The characters on Game of Thrones have proven themselves to be ruthless, but most fans feel that Ramsay Bolton is just pure evil

The characters on Game of Thrones have proven themselves to be ruthless, but most fans feel that Ramsay Bolton is just pure evil.

The bastard son of Roose Bolton, played by Iwan Rheon, who has admitted that he enjoys torturing and killing people for his own amusement – even if they’ve done nothing wrong.

He has killed the men in his own army and flayed women he had relations with and fed them to his hounds.

He also razed Winterfell to the ground, killing innocents, despite claiming he was there to save it. 

Ramsay was particularly cruel to Theon whom he castrated and tortured to the point that he was so broken he went by a new identity called Reek.

One scene that viewers remember for being particularly cruel is when his father arranges him a marriage to Sansa, and he rapes and abuses her in front of Theon.

Rheon spoke about how much he dreaded filming that scene during an interview with Metro.

‘That was horrible. Nobody wanted to be there,’ he said. ‘Nobody wants to do that, but if it’s telling a story then you have to tell it truthfully.’ 

‘They didn’t sensationalize it or anything. It was very, very hard watching. It’s a horrible thing that happens, unfortunately… It was the worst day of my career.’

1. Joffrey Baratheon – Game of Thrones

While Games of Thrones fans agree that Ramsay was cruel, they felt Joffrey Baratheon was more evil, earning him the number-one spot on this list

While Games of Thrones fans agree that Ramsay was cruel, they felt Joffrey Baratheon was more evil, earning him the number-one spot on this list.

Perhaps it’s because he had more authority and license to do unthinkable acts as King.

Even when Joffrey, played by Jack Gleeson, was just a prince, viewers saw him murder Arya’s butcher friend Mycah simply because he could. 

When her direwolf stepped in to defend her, he wanted revenge.

Because her direwolf ran off, he killed the hound’s sister when she had done nothing wrong.

He was cruel to the Starks, especially Sansa.

King Joffrey beheaded his fiancée’s dad Ned, made her look at his head on a spike, and had her savagely beaten when her brother, Robb, won a battle.

He also was cruel to his civilians. During a visit to town, he was hit with a cow pie, which lead to him ordering the death of hundreds of innocents.

Additionally, he forced a prostitute to beat another while aiming a crossbow at her. Even though she went through with his demand, he shot her too. 

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