It wasn't a match on this week's Blind Date

It wasn't a match on this week's Blind Date

‘I had a better conversation with a woman in the loo’: It wasn’t a match for Alicia and Dinesh

  • Every week, FEMAIL asks two singletons to report back from their blind date 
  • Would you like us to find you a date? Are you a singleton, or is there someone you’d like to send on a blind date? Email: [email protected]


Single for a year and a half.

Dating Past?

I’ve had one serious past relationship. We met through work and were together for more than a year and a half. I’ve had the odd date since, but nothing serious.

Pre-Date Nerves?

I was a bit dubious as I didn’t know what to expect, but I dressed up to make an effort, in a white corset top and heels — just in case he turned out to be the love of my life!

Alicia, 25, a personal trainer, is not interested in men who play video games or go clubbing every weekend. She also hoped her date would be taller than her 5ft 10in

First Impressions?

Dinesh was already at the restaurant when I arrived, and I’m sorry to say I initially thought they were seating me at the wrong table. 

He was wearing a red hoodie and had a rucksack — it looked more like an outfit you’d choose for a school trip than for a date. 

I knew straight away he wasn’t my type, as I prefer a gym lad.

Easy To Talk To?

Yes. Dinesh was quiet to start with, but I can chat for England so we were able to have a friendly conversation. However, I probably had a better conversation with a woman I met in the toilet.

We didn’t have much in common, and it was his first time in a posh restaurant, whereas I eat out four to five times a week. 

Dinesh also said he doesn’t have many friends and doesn’t drink, whereas I’m very sociable. 

When I told him I was a personal trainer, he wondered why I wasn’t more muscular, which annoyed me slightly.

Embarrassing Moments?

He told me it was his first date and he hadn’t slept all night, so I felt bad that there wasn’t going to be any romance between us.

Alicia didn’t have much in common with Dinesh. While it was his first time in a posh restaurant, she eats out four to five times a week

Did Sparks Fly?

A flat no. It was all polite and friendly but we didn’t gel in terms of attraction. I had been hoping to leave after the main course, but I went to the toilet and when I got back to the table Dinesh had ordered dessert. 

I prefer the flirty banter of an outgoing gym guy; Dinesh and I just weren’t compatible.

See him again?

No, I don’t see any point. He’s a lovely guy but he just wasn’t for me. I think this will be my last blind date!

What do you think he thought of you?

I’d like to think he thought it was a pleasant first date, but I imagine he would agree there were no sparks flying between us.

Would your family and friends like him?

They would like him as a person but in terms of my lifestyle and social circle, he wouldn’t fit in.



Single for a year and a half.


Personal trainer.


Someone taller than me — I’m 5ft 10in. I’m not interested in men who play video games or go clubbing every weekend.




Electrical Engineering Masters student.


Someone loyal and honest.




Dating Past?

I’ve never had a serious relationship — in fact, this was my first ever date. I’m very shy and find it hard to approach women. 

For that reason, I always try to meet people within my friendship group — it eliminates the pressure of getting to know someone too quickly.

Pre-Date Nerves?

I was looking forward to it. I was pleased it was a blind date, as it meant I didn’t have to find the nerve to ask someone out.

Dinesh, 26, an Electrical Engineering Masters student, is looking for someone who is loyal and honest 

First Impressions?

I was already at the restaurant when Alicia arrived and it was a bit awkward as she wasn’t sure where to sit. 

I thought she was lovely, but I didn’t feel an immediate attraction. She’s really chatty so I knew we’d get on.

Easy To Talk To?

Yes, and I was grateful she kept the conversation going until I relaxed out of my shyness. 

By the end, we chatted like friends, even though we didn’t have much in common. We laughed a little but it felt polite rather than flirty banter.

Embarrassing Moments?

This was the first time I’d been to a posh restaurant, so I wasn’t sure what to order. In a panic, I went for Eggs Royale, which I’d never had before, and knew it wasn’t for me the second it arrived. 

Alicia giggled as I tackled it; I’m a bit old school with food and don’t like things too fancy.

Did Sparks Fly?

It didn’t feel like a romantic date as there was no flirting — not that I’d know how to flirt! 

I don’t think Alicia was interested in me and she kept the conversation very light. We never got down to any serious, deep conversations, which I enjoy. 

At the end of the date we didn’t swap details; I walked her to the bus stop and we said goodbye.

Dinesh said it didn’t feel like a romantic date because there was no flirting. He was disappointed that he and Alicia didn’t get into any deep, serious conversations

See her again?

No. I enjoyed her company, but there was no romantic connection.

What do you think she thought of you?

I don’t think she saw me as an option at all. I could tell she wasn’t interested. It just came down to a lack of chemistry.

Would your family and friends like her?

They’d know she wasn’t for me; she’s a lovely, chatty person and so approachable, whereas I’m very shy.


LIKED? He made an effort in the conversation.

REGRETS? Not really.



LIKED? She was chatty and friendly.

REGRETS? No, it was a good experience.


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