I'm dumping my boyfriend because he got me a cruise for my birthday

I'm dumping my boyfriend because he got me a cruise for my birthday

My boyfriend booked tickets for a luxury cruise for my birthday and I’m dumping him over it – it sounds ungrateful but people are on my side

  • Taking to Reddit , she explained her reasoning behind it and people are agreeing
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A woman has revealed she decided to break up with her long-term boyfriend after she discovered he had bought her a luxury cruise for her birthday. 

Taking to Reddit, the woman, from the US, explained her reasoning and people agreed she’s making the right decision. 

Explaining that her family and friends think the gift ‘is romantic’, she admitted she needed some validation and for people to see her point of view. 

She went onto explain her partner of two and a half years doesn’t listen to her likes and dislikes, has ignored the fact she suffers badly from sea sickness, and more than likely booked the cruise because it’s what he wants to do, especially given the fact she’s already arranged to go to a festival on the same dates.

The vast majority of commenters were on her side, reassuring the woman that she’s not being ungrateful and is putting his own needs first.  

A woman has revealed on Reddit that she decided to break up with her long-term boyfriend after she discovered he had bought her a luxury cruise for her birthday (stock image) 

She wrote: ‘My birthday is coming up and three days ago I found out what my birthday present was from my boyfriend – tickets to a cruise. 

‘His sister spilled the news thinking I would be excited and I’m not. We live together and I found the gift and know it’s for me. I sound so ungrateful but I’m not. This gift just proves to me that things will never change.

She added: ‘I love him but I’m so done. This has been a recurring conversation in our two and a half year relationship. The next thing to do is talk this out and end things.

‘The first thing is this gift isn’t for me. I do not like cruises because I get really bad sea sickness and nothing I do helps.’

She explained that she had already booked time off and bought tickets to a festival, which she was looking forward to, for the same week as the cruise.  

She said: ‘I also told him what I wanted to do for my birthday which was go to a Renfaire festival on my birthday. I have already taken the week off from work for it in preparation to go this fair. 

‘I have purchased tickets and am saving month to month so that I have spending money without it affecting finances at home. Why would he book tickets the same time as the time I took off to go to this festival? Also this cruise wasn’t cheap at all so it’s basically wasted money because I’m not going.

‘I’m so annoyed. I have told him time and time again that I don’t feel like he listens to me, that I feel like he just gets me things by thinking about what’s best for him or what he would like. 

She concluded saying: ‘It’s not only gifts. He makes decisions based on what he thinks is best and i just can’t deal with it anymore. I love him but I’m so done and before anyone says I didn’t talk to him or to talk to him about this, I have repeatedly. 

‘This has been a recurring conversation in our 2.5 year relationship. The next thing to do is talk this out and end things.’  

People were quick to leave their own thoughts on post, with the vast majority on her side. 

One person said: ‘He just didn’t care what you wanted. He wanted to control the narrative and then treat you like you were supposed to be grateful. You made the right call dumping him.’ 

Another said: ‘Coming to say this. he booked this trip KNOWING you weren’t going to go.

‘The next argument is that the trip is ‘non-refundable and very expensive’. Homeboy put this all in a nice package addressed to you, knowing you wouldn’t attend. 100% he is taking someone else on this trip

While another said: ‘Three options here I think. Two and three make as much sense, but I’m personally leaning towards three.

‘1. he’s cheating like you highlighted. 2. boyfriend is completely uninvested in the relationship and just does not give any sort of thought or care to her, including caring about her interests as a whole and difficulties with being on a boat.

‘3. boyfriend is abusive and is attempting to wear down the original poster and is going to guilt trip her into going on this cruise.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Agreed. I think this was malicious to attempt to guilt her into skipping the Ren Faire for something she hates (because that’s what he wants to do). Have fun at your Ren Faire hun, this is just the beginning of the rest of your new life.’

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