Blizzard's Potential New 'StarCraft' Title Could Not Be Real-Time Strategy Game

Blizzard's Potential New 'StarCraft' Title Could Not Be Real-Time Strategy Game

According to a report where Blizzard CEO Mike Ibarra shared his optimism following the company’s acquisition by Microsoft, a potential new StarCraft title will not be a real-time strategy game. The report shares that Blizzard will utilize larger teams for its major franchises and is open to non-mainstream projects.

Touching on a return to StarCraft, Ibarra said, “It’s not me saying, ‘Go make a StarCraft game.’ I need to have someone who has the vision and passion that comes with the idea, and I’ll bet on that team.”

Following a decade of support for StarCraft 2, Blizzard decided to stop developing its flagship RTS as interest in the gaming genre has dwindled. While the future of the franchise is not set just yet, we could be seeing a StarCraft game that investigates the universe in a fresh new way.

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