{"id":68588,"date":"2023-11-15T12:10:43","date_gmt":"2023-11-15T12:10:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/newcelebworld.com\/?p=68588"},"modified":"2023-11-15T12:10:43","modified_gmt":"2023-11-15T12:10:43","slug":"dhs-once-again-rejects-heritages-attempts-to-get-prince-harrys-visa-records","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/newcelebworld.com\/celebrities\/dhs-once-again-rejects-heritages-attempts-to-get-prince-harrys-visa-records\/","title":{"rendered":"DHS once again rejects Heritages attempts to get Prince Harrys visa records"},"content":{"rendered":"
For much of this year, the lunatics at the Heritage Foundation have been waging a public and legal campaign to get their hands on Prince Harry\u2019s visa application in the US. Heritage is overrun with British right-wing politicos, and they\u2019ve aligned themselves with the larger right-wing, anti-woke, anti-Sussex factions in British and American political culture. Meaning, there\u2019s a high-level transatlantic effort to \u201cget\u201d Harry, to destroy the Sussexes, to find some way to \u201cstrip\u201d Harry and Meghan of their home, their money, their safety, their lives. I feel sorry for the Department of Homeland Security officials who have had to deal with all of these nuisance lawsuits, hearings and threats from Heritage. DHS has repeatedly affirmed Harry\u2019s right to privacy and they have rejected every (dumbf–k) argument that Harry\u2019s visa application must be publicly released because Harry\u2026 wrote about his drug use in Spare<\/em>. Well, here\u2019s the latest:<\/p>\n The Duke of Sussex\u2019s visa application answers regarding past drug use should not be disclosed because it is \u201cprivate personal information\u201d, lawyers on behalf of the US Department of Homeland Security have said. <\/p>\n Harry\u2019s reference to taking cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms in his memoir Spare prompted a conservative Washington DC think tank to question why he was allowed into the US in 2020. The Heritage Foundation brought the lawsuit against the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) after a Freedom of Information Act request was rejected – claiming it was of \u201cimmense public interest\u201d.<\/p>\n In response to the think tank\u2019s submissions that Harry\u2019s US visa application should be released, lawyers on behalf of DHS said the Heritage Foundation \u201chave not demonstrated possible government misconduct or any other public interest that would overcome Prince Harry\u2019s privacy interest in these records\u201d. The DHS also said despite the Duke being a \u201cpublic official\u201d in the UK, he is \u201cnot a public official in the United States\u201d.<\/p>\n Their submissions to the court said DHS had \u201cprovided the maximum amount of information that it can provide regarding the records it possesses\u201d without revealing Harry\u2019s immigration status.<\/p>\n In his controversial memoir, the Duke said cocaine \u201cdidn\u2019t do anything for me\u201d, adding: \u201cMarijuana is different, that actually really did help me.\u201d The Heritage Foundation\u2019s lawsuit argues that US law \u201cgenerally renders such a person inadmissible for entry\u201d to the country.<\/p>\n In the DHS\u2019s response to the legal claim, they said: \u201cMuch like health, financial, or employment information, a person\u2019s immigration information is private personal information. \u201cIf the court accepts Plaintiffs\u2019 arguments, the Government would need to reveal confidential immigration information about Prince Harry, a result the court should not adopt.\u201d<\/p>\n The submissions made by lawyer John Bardo on behalf of DHS also said no \u201cpublicly available information, shows that Prince Harry was ever convicted for a drug-related offence.\u201d Mr Bardo added that any suggestion from the Heritage Foundation of wrongdoing on behalf of the US Government was \u201cpurely speculative\u201d.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n [From The Telegraph]<\/p>\n How many times is Heritage going to sue over Harry\u2019s records? Again, as we\u2019ve discussed repeatedly for months now, Harry has not been charged or convicted of any crime in the US or UK. He\u2019s not running for public office. He\u2019s not applying for a federal job. There is absolutely no reason why his records should be released to Heritage or anyone else. The purpose of all of this was to make Harry feel unsafe and on guard, to put an even bigger target on his back and \u201cpunish\u201d him for writing a bestselling memoir. I\u2019m glad DHS keeps saying \u201clol, nope\u201d to Heritage, but someone needs to put a stop to Heritage’s lunatic campaign.<\/p>\n Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.<\/small><\/p>\n\n